About ISLAM !! Did you know? Religion of Islam is religion of peace
The Ultimate Sacrifice Long accustomed to making sacrifices to their gods, the pagans easily grasped Paul’s notion that Jesus
Salvation can be defined as the deliverance from sin and its penalties; the path to salvation, however, varies from
A Formal Doctrine is Drawn Up When controversy over the matter of the Trinity blew up in 318 between
What is the source of the Christian concept of the Trinity? The three monotheistic religions – Judaism, Christianity, and
In the midst of the growing 19th and 20th century awareness of the differences between Trinitarian doctrine and the
Fourth, In the Book of Revelation 1:8, King James Version implies that Jesus said he was Alpha and Omega.
The Hebrew name “Immanuel” can be translated as, “God with us” or “God is with us.” Some people believe,
There are several key verses which Christians use to prove the biblical origin of the Trinity. Upon analysis of
Many articles on this web explain how easy it is to convert to Islam. There are also articles and
Listen to Audio Encyclopedia Britannica: “….a mass of detail in the early sources show that he was an honest